Denis Jered McInerney

Ph.D. Candidate, Northeastern University

I am a Ph.D. Candidate at Northeastern University in Computer Science advised by Byron Wallace and Jan-Willem van de Meent, and I plan to graduate in Spring 2024.

I am interested in exploring how we can use machine learning and natural language processing to find and present information that can help us make more informed and efficient decisions. On the technical side, I enjoy working in settings rich with unstructured data but where structured data and labels are scarce. My current research focuses on surfacing relevant evidence from the (sometimes incredibly long and convoluted) Electronic Health Records (EHRs) that can help clinicians reach a more accurate diagnosis without increasing their workload. In particular, I look at applying Large Language Models and multimodal pretrained models to form a helpful interface to the EHRs of patients.

I am currently searching for jobs and postdocs near Boston to start after I graduate.

In my spare time, I play tennis and violin, run (short distances), rock climb, and enjoy tug-of-war with my dog. I am also a fan of singing in the car to shake off the a capella rust (check out Johns Hopkins Ketzev and my arangement of Pompeii)!